Friday, March 9, 2007

Dedication to all women

Yesterday was the International Women's Day...
Since women have done great things in this world, not just being a great mother (I have a fabulous mum, Thank you for everything), but contribute to other things as well (politic, social, science and tech etc). I think I have to dedicate a post for women in accordance to this celebration =)

Statistics show that: 1 from every 3 women faces violence from men. And the sad part is, things like this are more common in Muslim majority countries especially in Asia

Quote from one of the women activist interviewed by Riz Khan on Al Jazeera
“It is not the problem of culture, but it’s the struggle for power bween men n women”

Maybe, some of us blame the interpretation of the scripture by male, erm I dunno, this might be true. There are claims that men tend to interpret the Quran and Hadis, based on their perspective, which cause divergence in Muslim practice during Rasulullah SAW livelihood and nowadays.
During Prophet Muhammad SAW era, women are treated equal to men. For example, women hv equal opportunity and there are no such curtain separating male and female during ‘jemaah’ prayer (which I guess have symbolic meaning), but now, there are some places where women are not even allowed to join the ‘jemaah’ prayer (I watched this on news, in the UK, among the Pakistani I guess or mayb middle eastern, im not sure)
Other issues like in marriage ruling which is unfair to women in some countries. All these bring misguided understanding to the non Muslim regarding Islam, and Islam is portrayed as a sexually discriminating religion and injustice to women, which is not true at all.

Some ppl blame the men dominating world for suppressing women. Well IMO its going to change in the near future, the best indicator is the proportion of students in public universities across Malaysia, for some courses, amount of males can be as low as 30%. (at the same time, male are the majority in drug rehab center) The weird part is, there is no action taken to address this imbalance issue by the government. (any other brainless idea such as supporting the ‘Mat Rempit’?) Yeah I know, universities admission is base on meritocracy system, which is purely on academic merit. But if this imbalance is left untreated, I think it may cause something to our social system. Bcos Knowledge is power! Logically, if the majority of ppl with knowledge are women, then women will have the power to rule since Politic is power. (some ppl say mayb its for good, we already have enough war, let women rule, so that we can live in peace, really?)

Whatever the situation is, we have to respect each other (women and men), both are God creations, abscond the superiority/inferiority complex behind.
Life is monotones without these differences


H said...

I wanna add something more regarding this
I watched ‘the Doha Debate’ on BBC World last night, and the issue was ‘face veil / niqaf worn by Muslimah is a barriers towards integration in the Western society’. The vote ‘For the motion’ by the audience at the end of the debate was the majority (57% For). The panelists were all Muslim and most of the audiences were Muslim too, so we can put aside prejudice in this context. But I believe, they have right to wear whatever they want to. I can’t agree more with one of the audience (a convert) that said the non Muslim in the West themselves have to learn to see these women beyond the piece of cloth, they are also just like other women too.

Anonymous said...

yep-with correction: it is 'niqab' and it has become such a big issue since gordon brown made some nasty remarks about it.

Oh, the mosque a block away from my house - E-Noor mosque is only for men - that's so unfair because when eid comes, I had to go to the uni mosque to pray. It belongs to the pakistanis I believe, basically because they are the majority in muslim community here, and their sect forbids women from going to mosque. But anyway, I like the sight of men rushing to go to prayers five times a day, and kids going to Quran classes - it is good though I can't join them.

H said...

Thx for the correction

Regarding the sect issue, sometimes the ruling is not even stated by the 4 Mazhab, though they claim what they practice is a Bid'ah Hasanah (Im not sure what the 4 Mazhab stand in this, but I believe what had been practiced by our Prophet Muhammad SAW is the best to follow)