Saturday, September 15, 2007

30 More Days...

Its official; in 30 Days, I am going to leave my beloved country, my comfort zone, to a foreign land...InsyaAllah

By this time; in 30 Days, I will be 10 Megameters away from home, in the Capital of the United Kingdom, to pursue my next level of education in an institute ranked 4th in its research and listed among the best company in the UK.

It does feel surreal, I always felt that I am just an average Joe (or average Awang in Malay context).

Its been an emotional roller coaster, recently.

Sometimes I am high, happy that the new chapter in my life will soon begin, my baby steps towards my dream realisation.

But sometimes I do feel down, with excessive anxiety. How I am going to cope when I got there? In fact, I never went out of Malaysia! Just once to Singapore, but that happened during my earliest childhood time (in the 80s), where I can barely remember (My mum told me that I was dragging my newly bought bigger-than-me sized stuff bear all over the city, haha)

The fact that Ill be in a place so foreign, plus Ill be the only Malaysian at the institute, does scared the hell out of me.

Ill try hard to always remain positive. I have a friend who had just went to Canada, the only Malaysian at the University, it is hard, yup, but still endurable, and the fact that my friend is a she, makes me feel that I don't deserve to be down, I'm sure its even harder for her.

Thus, Ill try to stay strong.


Anonymous said...

always have a open heart and mind when you are there. redha when challenges comes to you, bersyukur when you find friends, even if just one, whom you can trust and rely on...

Don't take the negative too heart, nor suppressed it for too long. Enjoy every minute of it, be the good or bad. People aren't always nice to you, but remember it's ok, that's life. and when you do find gd souls to help you, never forget them and reciprocate and help others when they need your help.

You will do good, and I am so proud of you. though I am not one of your close friends, but as a muslim stranger who knows someone like you have made it that far, I can only share and understand the joy and happiness and nervousness that's going through you right at this moment.

just in case, you ever need a friend to understand, in times you feel like you need to talk or let out things, I just want to offer my friendship, as in I'm here ya.

It's gonna be one heck of a ride for you. Just sit tight and live life. to the fullest. :D

H said...


U know what, that is the best personal advice I ever got, thanks a lot. terharu la, almost break into tears ;)

I will always remember these bytes, and I will also remember that I have you as my friend, that had successfully went through what I am about to go through; to talk to.

All these are so comforting. Terima kasih tidak terhingga, God bless you dear.

zafi said...

im back!
dont worry.. everything will be ok for you... im not a good people to advise... but InsyaAllah semua will be ok..
With your effort and determination...
Doa and support from people all around you...
blessings from from family...
have faith...
You can do it...
be strong
sail away on your dreams!

salam ramadhan


H said...

Thx Zarul, that was also uplifting. Enjoy yr stay here and dont forget to return k ;)
Salam Ramadan

Anonymous said...

Salam,Selamat berpuasa

You should be proud of being the only Malay Malaysian who secured the good place in the 4th best research institute in the world and yet one of the best renowned company in the region.

We are at Kubang Kerian very proud of you indeed. One word [JGN-PUTUS-SEMANGAT].MNA

H said...

Selamat Meng-ihya-kan Ramadan MNA

Jgn la puji mcm tu, institut/uni mana yang tak nak student yg bayar yuran (self sponsored by the gov), pastu kerja, research yg benefitya institut/uni tu jgk dapat

Analoginya, Macam satu majikan tu employ org, tapi org yg diemploy tu pulak yg bayar gaji kat employer
Kan x masuk akal hehe