Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The New Seven Wonders, vote before 07/07/07

The new seven wonders of the world project is going to end in approximately 3 days. There are 20 man made wonders to be chosen from (excluding the Egypt Piramid, automatically will be in the 7 list).

The new seven wonders candidate.
[website link]

Probably, u don't bother, or don't care to participate. Neither was I, before I watch about this on AlJazeera's Riz Khan. I think it is important for us to vote and to choose the new 7, this will make sure the new 7 is based on yr opinion too. So lets vote.

To help you narrowing up the choices, I have a suggestion of 3 wonders that IMO must be voted
Alhambra (12th century) Granada, Spain

Mohammed I, the first king of the Nasriden – a Moorish dynasty in Granada - converted a 9th-century castle into his private royal residence, and it is this which we now know as the Alhambra. The structure, which covers an area of 13 hectares, is renowned for its stunning frescoes and interior detail. The building is one of the finest examples of Moorish architecture in the world and is among Europe’s most-visited tourist attractions.
In short - vote for the Alhambra, because it now represents
- Dignity & Dialog!
The Hagia Sophia (532 - 537 A.D.) Istanbul, Turkey

The Hagia Sophia was erected during the reign of Emperor Justinian (532 - 537 A.D.), when the Byzantine Empire was at the height of its power and influence. The massive dome, which is the prominent architectural feature, has since often been used as a model for the design of Islamic mosques. Indeed, after the fall of Byzantium, the Hagia Sophia was converted into an Ottoman mosque. Today, the monument is a museum serving both Christians and Muslims.
In short - vote for the Hagia Sophia, because it now stands for
- Faith & Respect!
Timbuktu (12th century) Mali

In the 12th century, Timbuktu was at the crossroads of the four most important caravan paths supplying the Arab world, which then spanned from the Middle East all the way to Spain. The accumulation of wealth made it one of the wealthiest places on earth at the time. This allowed one of the first universities in the history of humankind to be established– the celebrated Islamic university called the Koranic Sankore, where 20,000 students studied law, medicine, rhetoric, etc. Today, it remains with us as a powerful myth and, in this way, resembles another Ancient Wonder, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
In short - vote for Timbuktu, because it stands for - Intellect & Mysticism!
Obviously, u can understand why those three.
Other 4 wonders, you can select from another 17 wonders, but I think we need to include the old wonders as well, so the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall obviously need to be in the list. But thats all is up to you.

The New 7 Wonders of the World will be announced during the Official Declaration ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal on Saturday, July 7, 2007 - 07.07.07.

Vote Online click here
Happy Voting!


zafi said...

adehhhhh nak vote mana nih???
cikgu boleh bg tunjuk ajar...
hehehehehhehe :P
nanti kene babab... eh sory tadi dc la...

H said...

Sempat lg ka haha
Dont bother, I guess so u got dc, thats somethin to brag bout UL :P