Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Female delinquents and sex

It is depressing to read/watch news nowadays, foreign news are packed with war while domestic news are full of reports on crime and moral degradations.

The Star reportd yesterday:
“A study done by UKM on 887 female delinquents (samples were taken from high school, each contribute 20 students with disciplinary problems) found that except for one, all the 887 students admit have had experience the ‘pleasure of the flesh’.”
This means shockingly, from statistical point of view, 99.9% of high school students with disciplinary problem had experience sex. That’s almost 100 percent. And that statistic is for Malaysia, or beloved country. Well, the Islamic Progressive Nation. Hah really?

I’m not writing to judge these delinquents, it’s not totally their faults, I know, most of them came from broken home, and the study founds that the problem committed by these students were due to external pressure from dysfunctional family.

These girls are immature and need guidance, and when there is no such role from parents in their life, they will look for alternative, from their peers, to make them feel accepted, to fulfill their emotional needs. In today’s world of capitalism, most parents are busy with works, and don’t really have time for their children, leaving them struggling.

And maybe, Dr Asri current mufti of Perlis, to stress on openly form of “munkar” than the “behind closed doors” is a great move.

I think the sexual problems have its connection with acceptance of ppls towards the current trend of coupling among young teens. It’s a pain in the eye when I went to the mall during the weekend, come across these couples more close than the married, doing things that is not in line with our culture and what most important is our religion.

Once, when I was having lunch with my fren at a fast food restaurant (well its like a fine dining experience for these young couples) here in Kelantan, I saw this young school boy touching his girl’s part, the girls is a bit reserved but kind of enjoy the experience, ‘ala2 malu2 kucing’, who knows what is next?, There are few girl clans near their table, and even ‘Pak Haji’ nearby (he is not even afraid to him), thank God my cynical stare eventually make him stop (if I’m a macho hunky guy with martial arts, that boy of course will be hospitalize, well im not, a sign of disagreement is the best I can do), well, its not even pleasurable to watch these kids, its disgusting.

What we as a public can do in that kind of situation? Just look and can’t do anything? I think it’s important to take an action at this stage like what had advised by the mufti.

Stop being peeping Tom, it’s not what Islam is.

Prevention is way better, before it is too late!


Anonymous said...

aku pn menci glerr ngk bdk2 ingusan b'prangai xsnonoh...
aku rs bdk2 iph ni dh truk rosak.. kbyknnya maleh bljr, dhla sini byk cina. kdg2 2 pkaian diorg ngalahkn cina seksinya... adoi skt mata akuuu!!!

H said...

Erm...mmg menyedihkan...aku rasa kat bandar mana pun, perkara yg sama berlaku