Monday, August 20, 2007

Guilty of Murder

Kota Bharu, August 20th 2007 (7.40 am) - An idle postgraduate student was found guilty without trial this morning under the offense of he-isn’t-sure-which-degree-of-murder. He had accidentally killed his cat (one of the newborn) while reversing his car out of the porch to send his sister to school which started at 8am that day. The incident occurs due to the false impression of the driver that all his cats have been removed from the pathway by his sister who was earlier waiting outside. The accident occurs so fast, and the kitten died on the scene simultaneously. Not only that, he was also yelled by his mother (it is so loud that he thought all the neighbors can hear he was being scolded), who was mad at him since he is in a hurry as he woke up late (after his Subuh prayer nap) that morning because he slept a bit late last night chatting with a stranger about Hizbu Tahrir (the stranger is one of the member).

The offender was reached for his comment about the incident while he was burying the kitten after he went back from sending his sister. With tears going down his cheek he said, “I take full responsibility over the dead kitten (May Allah forgive me), there is no point on blaming others. Although I am a bit frustrated being scolded like a kid, I accept it, she is just doing her job” "I never reverse without checking the car's under, but I didn't do that this morning, it is a mistake. I regret I did not do that." He is very sad that he had killed a life, especially when the kitten is the cutest among the three. He feel that he need to apologize to Minah (the kitten’s mum) and he feel a bit relieved when he later saw Minah is acting like usual. Only Allah knows what is in her mind.

When further asked about his comment on Hizbu Tahrir (HT), he said "I cant comment in a comprehensive way since my knowledge about this movement is still limited" Moreover, the stranger failed to address some of his question (such as how this going to work in Malaysia), The stranger said he cannot give the answer now, as it doesn’t work if he describe it online.

BTW, he felt that it is a good thing that there is such movement. However he think that the movement only sounded good theoretically and he is not sure how it is going to work practically especially in Malaysian context. He added, “I am sure Daulah Islamiah is the answer to the current miseries in Muslim majority nation especially the Middle East. However, I have no idea on how this is going to work via HT’s way, as I never heard of such movement before, it’s not even a real political party here!” He also promised to do his research on this by watching all the vdos and infos given by the stranger, and later get back to this issue, insyaAllah.


zafi said...

kene saman ni!!!!

H said...

huhu, the guilt itself is unbearable

Anonymous said...

poor little kitten.

feel sorry for him/her.

H said...

It is a he I think huhu