Tuesday, December 26, 2006
First Post on Blogger
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
First Muslim to win a sit in the US Congress
Ellison won a strong majority but amid controversy over his past links to a radical Muslim group, his support was well down on the 70 percent won by his Democratic predecessor who retired from the House of Representatives. Republican rival Alan Fine fought a relentless campaign attacking Ellison's past association with the controversial Nation of Islam group, seeking to use it as a sign of anti-Semitism.
Ellison, who said he converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam in college, was supported by the National Jewish Democratic Council as well as a prominent Minneapolis Jewish newspaper, which endorsed him over Fine, who is Jewish. The Reverend Jesse Jackson, a former candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, also campaigned for Ellison, who ran on a populist platform.
He has called for an immediate pullout of US troops from Iraq, greater reliance on renewable fuels, and for a universal, government-paid health care system. His election has "huge symbolism", said Larry Jacobs, a professor of political science at the University of Minnesota. "The message goes out from the United States that Muslims can be included in the political process and welcomed in Congress - that America is not at war with Islam," Jacobs said.
At the moment I wrote this, Democrat beats Republican in all races (House, Senate and Governor). Hopefully, Democrat is gonna win the majority at the end of the counting process and some changes in the US policies over other nations especially the Gulf states can be seen. Even if Democrat doesnt win, at least they'll have some control over the absurd policy makers from the Republican. Now, Bush is going to pay for all his actions and it seems that his tactics eg announce the death sentence on Saddam prior to the election, does not work. Truly Bush is the actual treat to this world. If a former Iraqi president has to face a trial for what he did in his own country, why him and the Israel are immune to the consequences of what they are doing on other nations (under what they called fight against terrorism). They should keep their noses out of other nations!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Modern Science Finds God
A must see video frm Youtube that provide firm evidence of God existence through modern physics
Youtube url
Video transcript
Science seems to be the enemy of religious belief. That time is no more. Modern physics and cosmology (the science of the origin and development of the universe) now provide firm objective evidence of the existence of God, conform the primary attribute of God and show how God created the physical existence out of nothingness.
This knowledge comes from the critical analysis of the big bang theory, Einstein special theory of relativity and work being done in quantum physics. The concepts behind this exoteric scientific knowledge can now be presented in such a way as to be understood by any person with a modern education.
We now know according to the most widely accepted theory of cosmology that the physical universe we see today was created out of nothingness, meaning no time, no space and no matter. We also know that the beginning of the creation of the universe took place by light coming into existence at a singularity, a point with no dimension. We know that the matter of physical universe was brought into being by photons, little packages of light energy which when colliding with each other, form the virtually infinite number of protons, neutrons and electrons which in various combinations make up everything in our physical world. In essence, we can now accurately say that all the matter of the physical universe ourselves included is actually light slow down. We know that the space which contain our physical universe is expanding. This is a concept so alien to human thought that until Albert Einstein develop his general theory of relativity early in the 20th century that had never occurred to any of the world great mind, but it was stated in the Quran over 1400 years ago when Allah told us, “I’m expanding the universe with My power”. Even Einstein was so astounded by his discovery that he falsified his data to show universe that was not expanding, because he well understood that an expanding universe implies there were somewhere in the distant past in moment of creation through the universe.
Einstein special theory of relativity which he actually called his absolutism theorem because he realized he had found the one thing in a relative universe that was absolute. It’s about the special qualities of light.
Special theory of relativity allows us our first objective glimpse into that which exist beyond the material world.
We couldn’t have found anything ones without our first glimpse beyond the material world, but what we did find is indeed remarkable. We find Einstein special theory of relativity showing that the non material existence beyond the physical world, consist only of absolute and some of those absolute are remarkably similar to what everyone’s religion has considered to be among the primary attribute of God.
Example 1
As the speed of light which is 300,000 km/s is approached, then time slows and at the speed of light time is not pass. This mean for photon of light which travel at exactly the speed of light, time is not pass. Therefore the photon is outside of time and eternal.
Example 2
Since no time passes for photon of light and that photon can be observed at different places and space. Therefore, that photon of light is simultaneously in those different places and many other places at the same time and therefore omnipresent.
Example 3
Since every bit of matter in the physical universe is created by the energy of light and that light energy constantly sustains and directs the activity of every bit of matter in the physical existence. Then there is no power other than the power of light. Light energy is all the power that exist and therefore omnipotent.
Example 4
Since all knowledge that exist, that ever existed or will exist is stored by light energy and transmitted through light energy. Then there is no knowledge beyond that intrinsic two light and therefore omniscient
Furthermore, light is not actually exist within the physical existence, although we can somehow persive it. As you approach the speed of light, one of the 3 dimensions, length, height or width, the dimension of light with the direction of motion become progesively less and at the speed of light that dimension become zero. To determine volume, we multiply height times width times length. But if any of those three dimension is zero then the volume is zero And that thing therefore does not exist in the material universe. Light occupies no volume or space and therefore has no existence in the physical universe. And while everything in the physical universe has some mass greater than zero which is a necessary characteristic for existence in the material world. Light has no mass at all. As you approach the speed of light mass increases. At the speed of light mass is infinate. Regardless how tiny the amount of mass you begin with that mass rises to infinity at the speed of light. Since photon travel at the speed of light and do not reach infinate mass It means that they had zero mass to begin with and light therefore does not actually exist in the material world.
In the physical existence, everything is relative. The absolute existence or non existence of any quality is not and cannot being expressed. Everything exist between those two extremes of the continuem from absolute expression to absolute non expression. We find though that beyond the material existene all qualities exist either in an infinate state or have no exitence at all. There is nothing in between.
The great significance of the above finding is that they destroy any possible notion of the physical universe existing as a fix number of material particle which are move about by a fix set of physical laws. It is exactly this incorrect understanding of the physical existence which forms the basis of the scientific phylosophy of materialism. It is the phylosophy of materialism particularly secular materialism which has allowed to beleive in God to be so powerfully chalenged by unbeleivers in these past few hundred years. More or less from the time of Sir Isaac Newton.
It is no longer intelectually possible or logically reasonable in light of the findings of modern physics and cosmology to hold the view of the atheis that there is no God. The only logicallly reasonable and intelectually honest conclusion that can be drawn from the findings of modern science is that God does exist, that the attribute of God are absolute and that God did create the physical universe including human life. We are presently at the beginning of the transition point from a secular materialistic worldview to a spiritual God centric worldview.
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Nobel Laureates in Sciences, 2006
Nobel Lauretes Recipients in Sciences (Physiology and Medicine, Physics, Chemistry) for 2006
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2006
"for their discovery of RNA interference - gene silencing by double-stranded RNA"
Andrew Z. Fire, Stanford University and Craig C. Mello, University of Massachusetts
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2006
"for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation"
John C. Mather, NASA and George F. Smoot, University of California Berkeley
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2006
"for his studies of the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription"
Roger D. Kornberg, Stanford University
All recipients of the Nobel Prize in Sciences this year are Americans and this increase the number recipient from the US to 165 and maintain its position as the most number of laureates by country, followed by the UK (110), Germany (94) and France (51).
Why majority of the laureates are from these countries? I think the answer lies in their education system, we on the other hand are too exam oriented! Changes need to be made, or else....
Friday, September 29, 2006
Usah gandingkan sains, Al-Quran?
Saya terbaca artikel tulisan Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahim di muka surat 10 bertajuk usah gandingkan sains dan Al-Quran, dalam suratkhabar arus perdana Utusan Malaysia semalam (Jumaat 29 September). Penulis menyatakan bahawa Al-Quran tidak perlu, tidak sesuai dan tidak seiringan dengan ilmu sains. Berikut adalah "petikan daripada artikel penulis tersebut" disusuli dengan pendapat saya tentang artikel tersebut.
“Ada satu jenis pemikiran atau mentaliti berasaskan pada rasa rendah diri umat Islam yang memandang tinggi kepada ilmu sains kerana pencapaian hebatnya pada zaman ini. Ia juga berpunca daripada kedudukan lemah umat Islam dalam bidang sains dan teknologi serta menyedari bahawa ilmu agama tidak menyumbang kepada keupayaan mereka dalam kehidupan dunia. Akibat daripada perasaan rendah diri ini, maka mereka seolah-olah mencari-cari penemuan-penemuan sains untuk membuktikan bahawa al-Quran adalah benar.”
>>>Penulis menyatakan bahawa penulisan yang mengaitkan ‘fakta’ Al-Quran dengan ‘penemuan’ sains adalah hasil daripada rasa inferior umat Islam terhadap agamanya dan telalu mengagungkan sains. Walhal, pembuktian /gandingan ini bukan sahaja dilakukan oleh umat Islam tetapi juga cendiakawan-cendiakawan bukan Islam. Tiada perasaan rendah diri di sini, tetapi saya rasa suatu kebanggaan apabila kita dapat membuktikan bahawa Al-Quran itu benar, sesuatu yang diturunkan oleh yang Maha Esa, pencipta manusia dan sekalian Alam. Lebih-lebih lagi, dalam dunia liberal hari ini, dimana manusia umumnya hanya menggunakan logik akal, jadi tidak salah kaitan dibuat antara ilmu sains dan Al-Quran supaya manusia dapat berfikir tentang kebenaran Al-Quran dan ini boleh menjadi suatu medium dakwah yang berkesan.
Penulis juga menyatakan bahawa perkaitan ini dibuat kerana kelemahan umat Islam dalam ilmu sains dan teknologi dan menyedari bahawa ilmu agama tidak menyumbang kepada keupayaan mereka dalam ilmu agama. Penulis mungkin tidak menyedari bahawa ilmu yang terdapat dalam Al-Quran adalah luas dan berkisar tentang pelbagai cabang ilmu, walaupun jika manusia sejagat mempelajari hanya bahagian ilmu agama dalam Al-Quran dan menghayati serta mempraktikkan kandungannya, saya percaya umat Islam akan menjadi umat yang maju, kerana Islam adalah satu cara hidup yang unggul dan bukan hanya berkisar tentang ilmu Agama.
"Justeru dicarinya penemuan-penemuan sains dan digandingkan pula dengan ayat-ayat al-Quran, maka dikatakanlah bahawa dalam al-Quran terdapat banyak fakta sains. Malah dikatakan pula bahawa sains baru mengetahui sesuatu fakta sedangkan al-Quran sudah lama menyatakannya. Nada daripada kata-kata sebegini adalah untuk menunjukkan bahawa al-Quran adalah lebih agung daripada sains. Tetapi pada waktu yang sama terdapat perasaan rendah diri dengan sains hingga memerlukan sikap-sikap sebegini."
>>>Al-Quran memang terdapat banyak fakta sains, perkara ini tidak boleh disangkal lagi! Memang Al-Quran lebih agung daripada sains, Al-Quran adalah daripada Pencipta, manakala sains adalah ilmu hasil pemikiran hambaNya dan tidaklah sempurna, dan mungkin terdapat kesalahan akibat pemikiran kita yang terhad. Pada perenggan awal, penulis menyatakan bahawa kaitan dibuat kerana rasa rendah diri terhadap Al-Quran, disini pula penulis menyatakan pula kaitan dibuat akibat daripada rasa rendah diri terhadap sains pula…Teori mana yang cuba didokong penulis? rendah diri terhadap sains atau al-Quran?
"Ditambah pula dinyatakan bahawa manusia melalui sains tidak akan mengetahui semua perkara. Seolah-olah dikatakan bahawa belajar sains kurang perlu diberi perhatian."
>>>bukan kah jika kaitan dibuat, cendiakawan agama akan berminat mempelajari sains dan cendiakawan sains pula akan berminat mempelajari agama…jadi tiada masalah bahawa belajar sains perlu kurang diberi perhatian.
"Hakikatnya ialah sains dan al-Quran tidak boleh digandingkan atau dibandingkan. Sains adalah ilmu yang berupa hasil manusia mencari menemui dan mencuba untuk mendapat rumusan. Ia berubah-ubah. Tetapi al-Quran adalah kitab wahyu dan bukannya buku sains. Ia tidak mengandungi fakta sains. Ini kerana al-Quran tidak berubah sedangkan fakta sains berubah apabila mendapat penemuan baru. Justeru membandingkan antara keduanya adalah tidak wajar. Maka usaha mencari ayat yang selaras dengan fakta sains, atau mencari penemuan sains untuk diselaraskan dengan ayat al-Quran adalah pekerjaan yang tidak bermanfaat."
>>>Memang benar sains boleh berubah, kerana sains adalah hasil daripada pemikiran saintifik manusia berasakan logic akal dan ujikaji, hakikat bahawa sains boleh berubah-ubah kerana pemikiran manusia adlah terhad, dan terdapat fakta-fakta sains berasaskan kepada teori-teori sahaja, seperti beberapa teori Einstien dalam ilmu Fizik dan teori Freud dalam ilmu Psychology. Apabila penemuan baru dibuat, dan bukti yang lebih kukuh diperoleh, maka teori-teori ini boleh berubah. Jika terdapat persamaan antara ilmu Al-Quran dan sains maka, teori sains tersebut boleh disahkan tepat dan pada masa yang sama menunjukkan bahawa Al-Quran bukan sesuatu rekaan tetapi adalah sebuah buku yang sangat hebat kandungannya dan hanya Pencipta mampu menghasilkan karya sebegitu.
"Al-Quran adalah kitab panduan untuk manusia. Ia mengandungi perumpamaan dan kisah bagi meningkatkan keimanan dan kehidupan berakhlak di kalangan manusia. Tetapi ia sama sekali bukan buku sejarah atau buku sains."
>>>Sekali lagi, penulis cuba memisahkan agama dan sains. Walhal, Islam adalah suatu cara hidup, yang menitikberatkan pencapaian dan penguasaan ilmu.
"Dan Al-Quran merangkumi pelbagai jenre ilmu, boleh menjadi rujukan seluruh umat manusia. Sudah tentu terdapat ayat-ayat di dalamnya yang tidak selaras dengan sejarah dan sains. Ini kerana sejarah dan sains adalah bidang ilmu manusia."
>>>Sejarah dan sains dalah bidang ilmu manusia? Adakah bidang ilmu Allah hanya terhad kepada kepercayaan kepadaNya sahaja. Sesungguhnya Allah yang menciptakan manusia, jadi semua ilmu adalah miliknya. Walhal, hanya secebis sahaja yang mungkin boleh dikuasai manusia.
"Walaupun terdapat ayat-ayat al-Quran yang boleh ditafsirkan mengikut fakta sains kontemporari, tetapi ia hanya rumusan pentafsir semasa dan bukannya fakta untuk membuktikan sesuatu perkara."
>>>Jelas penulis tidak suka dengan idea bahawa Al-Quran itu sangat agung dan meliputi ilmu sains dan ilmu-ilmu lain.
"Cuba bayangkan apabila fakta sains itu berubah akibat penemuan baru, sesuatu yang lumrah, maka adakah hendak didakwa bahawa ayat al-Quran itu silap?"
>>>Jika ini berlaku, Al-Quran tidak silap, tetapi fakta sains tersebut kurang tepat. Namun, belum lagi saya bertemu dengan ‘penemuan’ Sains yang telah dibuktikan secara saintifik yang bercanggah dengan Al-Quran.
"Ayat-ayat al-Quran juga tidak boleh membuktikan sesuatu fakta sains itu betul atau tidak. Ini kerana aktiviti sains bergantung kepada pemerhatian, percubaan dan rumusan hipotesis serta teori."
>>>Benar sains berdasarkan kaedah diatas, tetapi mengatakan ayat-ayat Al-Quran tidak boleh membuktikan kebenaran fakta sains menunjukkan jangkalnya pemikiran penulis. Penulis disini jelas cuba menyampaikan ideologi sekularisma yang menyimpang dengan Al-Quran dengan cara mengulangi pendapat-pendapatnya dalam bentuk ayat yang berbeza. Penulis cuba
mengasingkan agama dan sains!. Dan perbuatan penulis adalah sesuatu yang sia-sia kerana sekularisma adalah sesuatu yang merbahaya dan telah terbukti memusnahkan dan melemahkan umat Islam seperti yang berlaku hari ini. Wallahua’lam
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emel penulis artikel: cabarminda@yahoo.com
Kesimpulanya, saya berpendapat penulis bukanlah seorang pakar sains mahupun alim ulama. Mungkin hanya seorang yang cuba ingin menampakkan dirinya kreatif dan kritis, tetapi tidak sedar, yang dia perlu lebih belajar dan mendalami kedua2 ilmu supaya apa yang disampaikannya tidak akan merosakkan pemikiran warga Malaysia. Saya tidak menyatakan bahawa saya menguasai kedua-dua bidang ilmu ini, tetapi melalu ilmu saya yang sedikit ini saya merasa bertanggungjawab untuk membetulkan apa yang jelas tidak benar. Saya juga telah mengirim pendapat saya kepada penulis, jika penulis memberi respon, saya akan 'post'kan disini. Jika anda cendiakawan sekalian punya pendapat tersendiri atau mengenali siapa penulis ini, sila berkongsi. Terima Kasih.